Welcome to my 2021-2022 Kindergarten Classroom!

Well hello there! Welcome to my new Kindergarten classroom! I’m so glad you’re here!

This summer, I took a leap of faith and packed my bags to teach at my dream school – a school that’s mission is pretty simple, to teach Jesus. I am so excited for the upcoming year, about the sweet kiddos the Lord has placed in my room, and for the many memories that are to be made in the coming days.

The bare bones of this classroom were something that really excited me. This room is significantly smaller than what I’ve had in the past, but in a way I kinda love it. The closeness has bit more of an intimate feel, and something about it just feels homey to me! I re-used many of my previous decorations from the beginning of my teaching career, and lucky for me the accent wall was a perfect fit!

It’s no secret that I have a love for citrus, I love all things lemon in my home. So, when I spotted the citrus collection from Teacher Created Resources at our local teacher store… I had to have it! My calendar bulletin board got a little face lift, and I love how it turned out in addition to the rest of my decor. I am linking a few items below, and many of the items are linked on my Amazon storefront here! If there is something specific you’re looking for… leave a comment and let me know what it is!

So come on in! Welcome to our happy little place! A place where lots of learning and growing will happen over the next nine months. I love my job!



Kindergarten classroom door entrance
Kindergarten classroom desks and whiteboard/chalkboard decor
Kindergarten classroom rainbow decor
Kindergarten classroom chalkboard decor and books
Kindergarten classroom rainbow decor books on chalkboard
Kindergarten classroom rainbow chalkboard design
Kindergarten classroom rainbow decor bulletin board ideas
Kindergarten classroom teacher desk rainbow decor
Kindergarten classroom teacher desk area
Kindergarten classroom reading corner rainbow decor
Kindergarten classroom teacher desk area rainbow decor
Kindergarten classroom teacher desk area rainbow decor
Kindergarten classroom citrus calendar bulletin board
Kindergarten classroom citrus calendar bulletin board
Kindergarten classroom reading corner rug and book return area classroom library
Kindergarten classroom rainbow reading corner books
Kindergarten classroom citrus calendar bulletin board
Kindergarten classroom citrus calendar bulletin board teacher classroom storage
Kindergarten classroom citrus calendar bulletin board teacher classroom storage
Kindergarten classroom bulletin board ideas rainbow
Kindergarten classroom citrus calendar bulletin board rainbow theme
Kindergarten classroom citrus school rules display
Kindergarten classroom chalkboard book display rainbow
Kindergarten classroom bulletin board and book display
Kindergarten classroom bulletin board TFT deep hope

