Morning Quiet Time + Bible Reading Plan Favorites

Hi Friends!

Happy 2023… I had great intentions of several blog posts throughout the month of January, but here we are on the 25th day and my first post of the new year… oops! Nevertheless, I am excited to be back, jump into this new year and season with you. Today’s blog post is one that I have had on my to-do list to share for quite some time, but with the new year and starting a new plan, I am even more excited to share it today!

Over the last few months, my daily quiet time in the mornings has become one of my favorite parts of the day. I notice such a difference in my mind and mood on the days that I miss out on starting my day with quiet time in the Word, so it has become really important to me. Staying consistent has been a struggle for me in the past, always allowing excuses of being “too busy” or “too tired” at times. However over the last few months I’ve started to find a balance that works for me, keeps me disciplined and committed, and most importantly coming back each day.

Today’s post isn’t necessarily to tell you what to do… that’s for each individual to find what works for them in their personal walk, however I did want to share some of the resources that have helped me tremendously in mine. I’ve experienced a lot of trial and error in finding the right combination and things that are effective for me in that time, so I wanted to share some of the resources that I’ve found helpful!

Most of all, I want this to be an encouragement to you that it is never too late to start! I am a firm believer that it is something that takes time and practice and finding the right rhythm and groove for you in your personal walk and life. If it’s overwhelming to start on your own, try doing just one thing a day – whether it’s a study, prayer journaling or just simply picking up the Bible and reading a passage. There are several apps and programs out there to help you – don’t allow it to be overwhelming to a point of giving up all together!

My favorite resources for daily quiet time - The Bible Recap, She Reads Truth Bible, highlighters, pens, prayer journal, Seamless study, Matchless study

the Bible recap

After a couple of failed attempts at reading the Bible in one year, I’m determined this year will be the year and so far I have been loving The Bible Recap as a plan to follow to accomplish that goal. Tara Leigh’s review and words in TBR book or podcast are so helpful to read after reading the daily passage. It never fails, she points out something I didn’t notice or quite understand, and I learn something new daily! TBR has many other resources available including a journal and a study guide. I personally chose to use the study guide in conjunction with TBR because I know I learn and retain so much more when I write things down, but it is absolutely optional to use.

I know we are almost through the first month of 2023, but honestly there is no better time to start! The Bible Recap is numbered by days rather than dates, so if you are someone who has to start on the first day of a new month… February 1 is days away and a great time to start.

other studies I love…

If reading through the Bible in a year isn’t something you are interested in doing right now, some of my other favorite studies are two by Angie Smith. I would recommend Seamless first, as it is a great place to start in building some Bible foundation knowledge and helps you to see the Bible as one complete story and picture painted by God! I’ve been a believer most of my life and still find this study (I’ve done it more than once) so helpful and so good! The second study by Angie Smith is Matchless and is equally as great in my opinion as Seamless. Matchless focuses specifically on the life of Jesus and studies Him — his mission, message and miracles. It is truly so good. I’m planning to do this study again this semester through my church and I am *really* excited about it!

prayer journal

I’m also sharing links to a few other resources I absolutely love. My number one recommendation would be this prayer journal. My sweet MIL gave it to me last year for Christmas, and it completely changed my prayer life. Being able to write out my thoughts before praying has helped me to become so much more intentional in my prayers and has helped me in how I approach and talk to God. Relationship with Him is so important, and I feel like this journal has helped me so much in an area of my quiet time that I sometimes struggled with previously.

other resources

Not that they are necessary by any means, but I am also linking my favorite Bible highlighters and pens. The highlighters are so pretty – pastels to make the study process colorful and bright. And the pens were influenced by Rachel Awtrey on IG when she deemed them the “best pens ever…” I do concur. Again, neither needed or necessary, but are both a fun little bonus I utilize during this time each day.

Finally, the Bible I use and absolutely love I received as a gift for my birthday last August. It’s the She Reads Truth Bible (CSB translation) and it’s my favorite Bible I’ve ever had. There are supplemental passages throughout to support the Word and deepen your understanding. I’m a big fan of the She Reads Truth platform anyway – and they also have a fantastic app with some great additional resources, studies, and more!

I pray this was helpful and encouraging to you! I’ve been there so many times… wanting to find a consistent and effective quiet time, but not really knowing how or where to start. I hope some of these resources will be as helpful to you as they have been for me. Like I said, it’s never too late to start… so grab a cozy blanket, a cup of coffee and your Bible… the time is now!

